Why Rise?

Because every student deserves a future within reach.

A promising future for every student, regardless of zip code.

Since 2003, we’ve partnered with students and families in Richmond’s East End to address barriers to educational opportunities. Formerly Church Hill Activities & Tutoring (CHAT), we began with a mission to provide learning environments that cultivate students’ God-given potential through personal, academic, vocational, and spiritual growth.

Today, we’re more committed to that goal than ever. Our fully accredited, independent high school, Rise Academy, provides a supportive environment that fosters students’ academic and personal success. With its integrated vocational learning and Rise After School (for Kindergarten–8th grade), Rise serves as a pathway to new horizons as students ascend new heights on their journeys of discovery, education, and growth.

Rise is a community of students, families, volunteers, donors, staff, and neighbors championing students’ voice and ability and bringing the future within reach.

Our mission

We cultivate the God-given potential of students through learning opportunities that equip them to flourish—centering Black students in Richmond’s East End.

Rise together

Be part of something bigger.

Join us in bringing the future within reach for students in Richmond’s East End.